Stephen Ministry at First Baptist Church of Oak Park

The abiding principle of Stephen Ministry is found in Galatians 6:2:
“Bear one another’s burdens and so fulfill the law of Christ.”

First Baptist Church of Oak Park has been a Stephen Ministry congregation since 1993 with well-trained lay caregivers who provide one-to-one Christian care to people who are experiencing various difficulties in life.

Stephen Ministers are not there to take the place of the clergy/pastoral staff–they serve as an extension of the church’s ministry that can provide more one-to-one support than the clergy could provide alone. The ministry is not just for the members of the congregation–it also is a community outreach.

If you wish to speak with a Stephen Minister at First Baptist or know of someone you could guide to our ministry, please contact the church office in one of the following ways:

Call church office at (708) 848-4070
Email us at